Recent NewsInterviewInterviewAman Khanna: Embracing Imperfection Dysfunctional sculptures based on human behavior InterviewÝrúrarí: Knitting With Tongues Using humour, characterization and wearable knits to lighten the mood InterviewFelix Colgrave: Animation Is Sensory How experimenting and letting the medium take over can lead to 170 million views InterviewOkuda San Miguel: Coloring the World On feeling secure when fully focused on creativity InterviewRenee French: Drawing the Air The joy of veering away from straightforward storytelling InterviewTomas Ives: Painting for the People Growing up in a convulsive political environment, where expression is a synonym of resistance InterviewYUK FUN: A Brand That Cares Artists can help make a difference InterviewRaman Djafari: Doubt Is Beautiful Making art as a way of interacting with reality InterviewMatt Furie: Embracing Duality On the meditation in drawing, dancing with your daughter and the controversial psychedelia of the metaverse InterviewPaolo Puck: Exploring Uncertain Grounds Getting lost in the flow of the forms InterviewLoulou João: Welcome to the Focketverse On soft-world building, the corporeality of the digital and and how to fight stereotypes of Blackness InterviewBaphoboy: Land of Smiles The dark side of Thailand’s smiling culture InterviewEsra Gülmen: Difficult Questions Playing with words, avoiding clichés and caring about others InterviewDoma: Losing Public Space and Natural Connection The social commitment of art and activism InterviewDamselfrau: Masks That Work for Themselves On letting yourself be directed by whatever the material is telling you InterviewHattie Stewart: The Colour Pink Should be Celebrated! Professional doodling, de-facing fashion icons and the darker undertones of the color pink InterviewSarina Nihei: Animation Can be Your Best Friend The therapeutic effect of drawing through tons of paper InterviewDavid OReilly: The Uncharted Territories of Face Filters On seamlessly shifting through genres and the disruption of pre-AI face filters InterviewJustin K. Thompson: THE ARCHITECT OF THE SPIDER-VERSE It's never too late to take a leap of faith with new technology InterviewFélicie Haymoz: PAIRING HUMANS WITH THEIR SPIRIT ANIMAL Wes Anderson's #1 designer turns Hollywood A-Listers into stop-motion furries InterviewIza Rutkowska: A GIANT TEDDY BEAR TRAVELING THE WORLD How community activism and character can help break down prejudices View more