
Literally means: It enchants me. It’s an expression used to emphasize that you really like something, that you're obsessed with it.


The Foment de l’Ús del Valencià Department of Diputació de València in Spain commissioned us to design 20 stickers to promote the use of Valencian in instant messaging applications.

The stickers had to represent typical phrases and expressions of the Valencian language for citizens to use in digital contexts. The target of the project was teenagers and young adults.

We worked hand in hand with the team of linguists, technicians and management of the Foment de l’Ús del Valencià department of Diputació de València, thus creating a fun, comical and gentle set of stickers that connects the citizens of the Comunitat Valenciana.

You can download the sticker set from their website or install it through the sticker.ly app and use it among your friends and family:


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