© 1999 - 2025, Pictoplasma
Lisboa, Portugal
All entries welcome , but only one #FaceValue tag per artist.
I’m sorry, I’m gonna pick only one
They are all lovely, and you can upload and share endlessly!!! You can edit with one you want to be the "officially" tagged one. But all are in our heart
Oh thank you so much ❤️
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All entries welcome , but only one #FaceValue tag per artist.
4 yFrancisco Bacon
I’m sorry, I’m gonna pick only one
4 yPictoplasma
They are all lovely, and you can upload and share endlessly!!! You can edit with one you want to be the "officially" tagged one. But all are in our heart
4 yFrancisco Bacon
Oh thank you so much ❤️
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