kapitan ketchup


Lima, Peru

Illustrator Kapitan Ketchup draws his inspiration from old school children book illustrators like Mary Blair and Jim Flora, as well as legendary cartoonists of the 50s and 60s such as Tex Avery and Chuck Jones to produce clean and simple graphics. / Mis fuentes de inspiración, las de siempre: cartoons de los años 50 y 60 como tex avery, chuck jones y bob clampett, dibujos amimados de los ochentas como los que te mencione arriba, ilustradores de libros para niños de los 50 y 60 y los de ahora serian ilustradores como jeremyville, tado, dgph, tim biskup, gary baseman y un larguísimo etcetera.


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miles, the trumpet playa

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john, the tenor playa

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wayne, the soprano playa

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david, the alto playa

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bill, the piano playa

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herbie, the flute playa

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tony, the drums playa

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jimmy, the bass player

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