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Picto NYC 2024 Online Broadcast

19 + 20 September 2024

Conference Broadcast
Pictoplasma NYC 2024

Pictoplasma returned to New York for its10th anniversary US edition, with 2 full days featuring fresh speakers sharing character works running the genre gamut – from Henson puppets to memorial public installations to toys in space, plus animation and illustration for soothing anxiety, memorable music videos, Cuphead concepts, cultural character, and more...

The live broadcast of all NYC Conference Talks is still available as comfortable VoD– so just lean back and join remotely anytime and from anywhere-in-the-world to watch the lectures and programs unfold in NYC.

All you need in order to dive head first into the 2-DAY LIVE BROADCAST MARATHON is:

a) sign up for a free account on home.pictoplasma.com (if you haven't already),

b) upgrade to PRO membership, yours at 69 € (+VAT) – and activating 1 full year of 24/7 access to a growing video archive of past and future PictoTalks, exclusive live online community programmes, and more…

c) tune in via ✨PRO AREA✨ (from the menu) for all of 2024's artists talks and presentation, delivered to you as VoD offering, no matter where you are.


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