PAST Call TO SHOW #FaceValue
Pictoplasma asked you to
Help slow the spread, stay at home, get out those stacked away craft supplies and DIY your very own, wearable, character mask!
Even if the resulting facial gear will most likely NOT be able to shield you (or others) from the virus, at this point we don't care if it's F1, F2, or F-whatever, as long as it keeps us all busy and adds some valued character to the bore-out of self-isolation, and—best case scenario—temporarily prevents you from touching your face! Bonus: Once the curve has flattened enough and the outer world allows us to get a little more lively, you and your awesome mask will be perfectly prepared to scare off people into keeping their required social distance.
Pictoplasma's new Call for Entries invites all international artists, illustrators, and designers to join the #FaceValue challenge and create the perfect anthropomorphic gear to face our pandemic times.
Here's what we're hoping for:
- Stay home(!), grab whatever tools and material you can find, get creative and craft a facial mask that expresses your inner character. The result should at least cover your nose and mouth, but engulfing your entire head (or upper body) is also more than welcome.
- Keep busy cutting, folding, sawing, gluing, screwing, 3D printing, sewing, crocheting, embroidering, or anything in-between... until done.
- Most importantly: Pose proudly for a picture-perfect self-portrait and post the photographic proof of you wearing your character mask on
- Tag your entry in the about selection with the official challenge hashtag #FaceValue
- One tagged #FaceValue per artist entry only!
- Wash your hands, lean back and rest assured: you've done well!
From all submitted character masks a jury will make a selection of approx. 30 works to be exhibited at the next Pictoplasma Berlin Festival in a specially curated portrait gallery installation. Virtual hugs will be sent out to all participants, that can be exchanged into real hugs, whenever and wherever you're ready.
Deadline for submission was Mai 31, 2020
Flatten the curve, face the challenge, value character and stay healthy!
Your's affectionately–yet from a distance,
Peter and Lars
- 50x empathy
Tanya Marriott
- 4x empathy
- 712views
- 0comments
Camote Toys
- 6x empathy
- 290views
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Twee Muizen
- 23x empathy
- 2.7kviews
- 1comment
Esma suna
- 5x empathy
- 1.8kviews
- 0comments
- 45x empathy
- 3.7kviews
- 1comment
- 16x empathy
- 3.2kviews
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Lea Kirdikian
- 33x empathy
- 3.1kviews
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Chibi Moustra
- 12x empathy
- 1.8kviews
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Mario Jean
- 7x empathy
- 1.7kviews
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Sandra Medina
- 9x empathy
- 1.8kviews
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Sandra Medina
- 6x empathy
- 1.7kviews
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- 9x empathy
- 1.7kviews
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Tea Harksen
- 36x empathy
- 3.1kviews
- 1comment
Regina Mueller
- 23x empathy
- 3.3kviews
- 2comments
Syl Hillier
- 11x empathy
- 3kviews
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Regina Mueller
- 10x empathy
- 1.9kviews
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- 2x empathy
- 1kviews
- 1comment
Ludwig Camarillo
- 4x empathy
- 1.6kviews
- 0comments