Matko Mijić
Zagreb, Croatia
Motion artist that loves to do silly characters with a soul!
favorites (132)
VÂNĂ Animation
- 3x empathy
- 293views
- 0comments
Sebastian König
- 6x empathy
- 281views
- 0comments
Kyle Goodrich
- 5x empathy
- 290views
- 0comments
Diana Monova
- 11x empathy
- 314views
- 0comments
Kyle Goodrich
- 6x empathy
- 288views
- 0comments
Alex Gwyn Davies
- 5x empathy
- 292views
- 0comments
Júlia LB
- 4x empathy
- 297views
- 0comments
- 3x empathy
- 283views
- 0comments
Joseph Whitmore
- 3x empathy
- 283views
- 0comments
Sandra Barth
- 27x empathy
- 1.1kviews
- 0comments
Samu Salovaara
- 3x empathy
- 273views
- 0comments
- 14x empathy
- 1.1kviews
- 0comments
- 19x empathy
- 1.1kviews
- 1comment
Aliina Kauranne
- 20x empathy
- 1.1kviews
- 0comments
Sarah Schmidt
- 18x empathy
- 1.1kviews
- 2comments
Kinza Rave
- 4x empathy
- 292views
- 0comments